Pixolomew - Websites for humans
Lee stands with his legs apart and hands in his pockets. He has a smile on his face.

Hello there!

My name is Lee Bartholomew, also known as Pixolomew (pic-sol-om-yoo). I am a web design consultant focused on creating user-centric websites that prioritise accessibility and performance.

After surviving for over two decades in the industry, my goal now is to help make the internet a better place for anyone who wants to use it.

Through collaboration, discussion and thoughtful design processes, I want to work with you to create websites for humans!

“Pixolomew is truly gifted in his field and such a supportive fountain of knowledge… He was clever, factual and he gets it, he wants the best for the customer. If I suggested something that would not work, he would explain why and suggest options forward…” Shazz Andrew
Cornwall Meditation Centre